Wednesday, November 2, 2011

30 Weeks Along!

On Monday, we had a growth ultrasound at Spectrum Health Maternal Fetal Medicine.  Our baby is now 4 lbs. 1 oz. (66th percentile), has a normal heart beat, and normal amniotic fluid level.  They still feel very strongly that he/she has Dandy-Walker Syndrome. 
After the ultrasound we met with a Neonatologist and a Social Worker at the Helen DeVos Children’s Hospital.  The Neonatologists role is to coordinate care for the baby once he/she arrives.  The Social Workers role is to help is with supplemental insurance and developmental/educational programs we may be eligible for as well as answer any questions and concerns we have.  We discussed what we may expect when our bundle of joy arrives and had a tour of the NICU (Neonatal Intensive Care Unit).  He/she is expected to go to the NICU either immediately or shortly after delivery and they have no idea for how long at this point. 

What’s Next?
Dr. Madeline Chadehumbe (Pediatric Neurologist @Helen DeVos Children’ Hospital) - November  8
Perinatal Visits – November 16, November 30, December 21, December 28, & January 4
Growth Ultrasound – December 14

We are very anxious to meet with Dr. Chadehumbe next week.  We hope and pray that she can provide us with some answers and additional information on our miracles condition.   Please keep praying for a miracle!  Thank you for all of your love and support!
With Love,
Steve and Michele

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