Thursday, June 6, 2013

Where did May go?

We hope this post finds you doing well.  It is hard to believe that May has come and gone already.  May was a good month in the Sunde house.  Faith is crawling and gets all over the place now!  She pulls herself up on furniture and anything else she can find.  We couldn't be happier with the progress she is making.

Faith graduated from Feeding Therapy the end of April.  We have also changed her diet to less formula and more table food (pureed only at this point).  She is increasing the volume she eats which is a huge accomplishment.  It definitely takes patience but she is doing much better with eating.

She went to see her Opthamologist in early May.  Her right eye is dominating so she needs to wear a patch on it for an hour every day for 4 months.  She wears it on the right 2 days and left 1 day and repeat.  It is definitely the longest hour of the day and she wants constant attention when she is wearing it.  But, she is very tolerant of things and handles it well.  

Faith went to the dentist for the first time in early May.  She did very well.  The dentist is where Grandma DeBoer and Cousin Bev works so it was also a fun social visit.  Grandma had fun showing her off. 

Mid May we took Faith to see her Neurodevelopmental Pediatrician.  She is so pleased with everything that Faith is doing.  She said that she is doing amazing considering all the brain 'abnormalities' she has. :)  She doesn't need to see her back unless we or one of her other doctors has a concern.  Praying that we never have to visit her office again.
The end of May we went to see her Neurologist.  He is also pleased with Faith's progress.  He is concerned about the cyst she has pressing on her brain stem. But, he doesn't need too see her back unless we or one of her other doctors has a concern.  We can always give his office a call for advice.  :) 
On May 31, Faith had an MRI to check her cyst pressing on her brain stem.  Her NeuroSurgeon is on vacation this week so we don't get the results till Monday.  We are praying that the cyst has not grown at all.  Faith does not have any symptoms so that is good news. 


Please continue to keep Faith in your thoughts and prayers.  They are much appreciated.

The Sundes

Here are some other misc pics from May 2013:

Faith is 18th months old! 6/5/13


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