Sunday, July 8, 2012

Good News and Not So Good News

The results of Faith's MRI were both good and not so good.  The good news is that she has more brain tissue than her last MRI showed.  We are very pleased and thankful for that.  The bad news is that she has a cyst pushing on her brain stem.  Your brain stem is responsible for basic vital functions like breathing, heart beat, and blood pressure.  Thankfully, Faith is not having any symptoms but they could come on very slowly or very quickly.  We have decided to go ahead with surgery and it is scheduled for this week Thursday.  She will be cleared by her Pediatrician tomorrow, a head ultrasound on Wednesday, and surgery is scheduled for 7:30 am on Thursday.  Her Neurosurgeon will attempt to poke a hole in the cyst and her current shunt will take care of the fluid that drains out.  If he is unable to do that, he will place a shunt on the back of her head that drains the fluid from the cyst.  This will be the 7th operation that is brain related and is the riskiest to date.  Your continued support and prayers are appreciated!

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