Saturday, July 21, 2012

cute picture of Faith in the hospital 7/17/12

All is well!

We are all so glad to finally be back at home.  Faith is doing very well.  She is her happy little self and sleeping through the night.  This makes Mommy and Daddy very happy! 

She had a 6 month follow up appointment with her Neurologist who is very happy with her progress.  We are very sad that she is moving to Florida but wish her the very best.  She was playing with Faith and the toy she was using scared Faith.  This is the first time we have ever seen her scared. 

So many appointments for this little peanut but she just goes with the flow these days which makes it so much easier on us!

UPDATE 7/17/12

Tuesday 7/17/12
The results of Faith's CT were good. She was on bed rest/laying flat only so it is so nice to finally be able to hold her again. She has not had any vomiting in over 24 hours. We are still waiting for Neurosurgery to round on her and tell us the plan. We are hopeful she will go home today. She is mostly acting her normal, happy self and needing Tylenol occasionally.

Neurosurgery finally rounded on her and.... we are going home today!!!!

Monday, July 16, 2012

Good Morning!

Photo: Good Morning!

Happy Girl!

Photo: Happy Girl!


Sunday 7/15/12

Faith had a good night. She was moved from the PICU to Peds today which means 1 step closer to home. She still is not eating great but good enough to have her central line out. She is Smiley and playing during her awake time. Getting to be more and more like herself each day. She could possibly go home tomorrow. Fingers crossed!

Faith had a good day. She is eating better but not great. She is doing all of the things she did before surgery and we are so thankful for that. We will get the results of her MRI tomorrow from her Neurosurgeon and find out when he will let us bring her home. She is sleeping soundly now so I better do the same. This place is exhausting!

Monday 7/16/12

Faith had a very good night. She woke up once to eat and needed some pain meds and is still sleeping! Waiting on her NeuroSurgeon to let us know the plan. Hope to see him soon but I won't hold my breath. :)

NeuroSurgery was just in to see Faith.  They are concerned that she has been vomitting the past few days.  She will have CT done today and go from there.  She will NOT be going home today.  :(

Saturday, July 14, 2012


Faith's surgery lasted over 5 hours.  Her NeuroSurgeon was able to 'put a hole in the cyst' that was pressing on her brain stem.  Everything was going well until the end of the surgery when her brain swelled temporarily and then went back down on its own.  They don't know why this happend or what affect it will have.  We just have to wait and see.  She had a bad night and day after surgery. She was very uncomfortable and in a lot of pain.  Her blood count was low and she had to have a transfusion.  She had an MRI of her brain and spine yesterday that was 2 hours long so she had to be intubated for that.  She did very well and was able to be extubated right away.  We are still waiting to get those results.  She had a good night last night and started eating some.  Today, she is just getting tylenol for pain and not eating much and sleeping alot.  This is to be expected after the rough few days she has had.  She is still in the ICU but is doing well.  Hopefully we will be able to take her home in a few days but no word on that yet.  Thank you for all of your prayers and support. 

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Good News and Not So Good News

The results of Faith's MRI were both good and not so good.  The good news is that she has more brain tissue than her last MRI showed.  We are very pleased and thankful for that.  The bad news is that she has a cyst pushing on her brain stem.  Your brain stem is responsible for basic vital functions like breathing, heart beat, and blood pressure.  Thankfully, Faith is not having any symptoms but they could come on very slowly or very quickly.  We have decided to go ahead with surgery and it is scheduled for this week Thursday.  She will be cleared by her Pediatrician tomorrow, a head ultrasound on Wednesday, and surgery is scheduled for 7:30 am on Thursday.  Her Neurosurgeon will attempt to poke a hole in the cyst and her current shunt will take care of the fluid that drains out.  If he is unable to do that, he will place a shunt on the back of her head that drains the fluid from the cyst.  This will be the 7th operation that is brain related and is the riskiest to date.  Your continued support and prayers are appreciated!