Tuesday, June 19, 2012

What have we been up to this past month?

This past month has been good but busy.  Faith's potassium level is under control with diet and medication.  She is having blood work and seeing her Nephrologist (kidney doctor) once a month now.  She had an MRI on Monday which was ordered only because it is routine so they can see how things look now.  Her MRI could not have went more smoothly.  She tolerated not eating or sleeping very well. She had AWESOME Nurse Sue who took such good care of her and Mommy and Grandma Smith too!  She has an appointment with her Neurosurgeon to discuss the MRI tomorrow.   Next week she has an  ultrasound and visit with her Urologist for a follow up.  Hopefully he will give us a better idea when her reconstructive surgery to correct her Colostomy (stool), Vaginostomy (vagina), and Vesicostomy (urine).  July will be another busy month of appointments. 

We are very pleased with Faith's progress.  She is doing better than we imagined.  She has just started rolling over from her stomach to her back.  Yesterday before her MRI she rolled from her back to her side.  She has lots of happy time lately and we are loving it!

1 comment:

  1. Many prayers for you and your daughter. She is so precious! If you ever need to talk just look me up! :)
