Sunday, March 18, 2012

Home 4 Weeks!

Faith has been home for 4 weeks.  She will be 15 weeks old (adjusted age = 10 weeks old) tomorrow.  As of this past Monday, she was still sleeping 3 hours at a time at the most and wanting to do it during the middle of the day.  On Friday night, she slept 4 hours straight from Midnight to 4 am.  Last night, she slept 6 hours straight from 10pm to 4am.  We woke up thinking something was very wrong but everything was just fine.  Wow, what a huge change in just a few days.  Here is to this continuing!  Sleeping so well at night makes her hungrier and less sleepy during the day time.  She is having a lot more happy awake time.  Mommy and Daddy are much happier too!  :)  Faith smiled in response to my smile for the first time yesterday and I cried with happiness.  She is now weighing 9 lbs. 11 oz.  She is definitely longer too because she out grew her newborn size clothes. 

Thank you for all of your love, support, and prayers.  Please leave us a comment!

With Love,
The Sunde's


  1. It is wonderful to see how much she is changing each week. I can understand the tears when she smiled at you. What a joy!. Each time I think of you I say a prayer for you all. Keep strong! She is so precious!

  2. Yay! Praise God for sleep! There is nothing like getting some extra hours of sleep in the night right Michelle? You feel like a whole new person! Faith looks so beautiful in her spring colors :) I am reading your blog and praying for you guys!
    Love Stacey

  3. Congratulations to you all!!!! She is beautiful!!! May God continue to bless you all!!! Thanks for keeping us updated!
